The Magical Powers of Dragon Fruit: Beauty and Health Secrets!
8. Supporting Bone Health
A good source of magnesium and calcium—both of which are vital for preserving strong bones—dragon fruit is While magnesium helps to control calcium levels in the body and bone density, calcium is absolutely essential for the creation and strength of bones. Ensuring a sufficient intake of these minerals will help you maintain the integrity of your bones and lower your osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases risk.
Apart from calcium and magnesium, dragon fruit comprises other bone-supporting elements including phosphorous and vitamin K. While vitamin K is vital for bone metabolism and the control of calcium levels in the body, phosphorus acts in concert with calcium to create and preserve robust bones.
Along with other foods high in calcium and magnesium, including dragon fruit will help your bone health. For a great and nutrient-dense approach to support your bone health, enjoy it as a snack, toss it into your smoothies, or toss it into your salads.